---------------------------- Pandemic conclusion 2023 ----------------------------

Brownstone Institute: https://brownstone.org/ - very interesting, most articles and topic to current situation

Conclusion sources:

Main alternative resources:

National Canada Citizens Inquiry https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/
UK Column: https://www.ukcolumn.org/live
Brownstone Institute: https://brownstone.org/ - USA
Corona Investigative Committee: https://corona-ausschuss.de - Germany
Geopolitics and Empire: https://guadalajarageopolitics.com
Children's Health Defense: https://childrenshealthdefense.org

Interesting links to follow:

Updated: 13.02.2024


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Posts: 224
Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2021 4:15 pm


Post by alisonfletch »

https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/video/in ... 5#comments

Could this happen here in the UK? House building seems to be continuing apace despite pure strings tightening and the economy slipping in to recession. Then a woman was interviewed litter picking for money, something that people currently do voluntarily here. I presume she did it to get "social credits". It seems to me that China might just be a few years ahead of the UK in terms of technocracy. It's not as if our leaders have shown any concern about our lives over the last few years. Just look at the lockdowns, the almost forced vaccination policy and the continued open borders to migrants. And of course the inflation and the war in Ukraine both of which could have been avoided but were created by government actions.

"And in property portfolios around the world, these partially built, and after eight years perhaps never to be completed, properties sit as assets to borrow cash against, as investments opportunities, killings to be made in an undisclosed future, as debts that can be sold, resold, and sliced and diced and packaged with other assets in such a way as stop people hearing the wind that whistles around and through the forests of slowly deteriorating concrete.
And people look on, in pain, sometimes in anger, as the promise of a better life drifts away from them like smoke in the soul destroying turbulent air".

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