---------------------------- COVID Report from the US Congress ----------------------------

Brownstone Institute: https://brownstone.org/ - very interesting, most articles and topic to current situation

Selected articles from SubStack:

Conclusion sources:

Main alternative resources:

National Canada Citizens Inquiry https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/
UK Column: https://www.ukcolumn.org/live
Brownstone Institute: https://brownstone.org/ - USA
Corona Investigative Committee: https://corona-ausschuss.de - Germany
Geopolitics and Empire: https://guadalajarageopolitics.com
Children's Health Defense: https://childrenshealthdefense.org

Interesting links to follow:

Updated: 23.12.2024

Futurama: Rage Against the Vaccine

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Futurama: Rage Against the Vaccine

Post by Pooky »

Episode from Futurama named “Rage Against the Vaccine” does parody on the covid and lockdowns.

After coming out of a third lockdown, Earth is beset by a new virus, Explovid-23, that causes and is transmitted by rage. Earth is additionally affected by the new pandemic when Omicronians launch a disinformation campaign to cause Earthlings to fight against one another over vaccine safety so they can invade.

Despite Professor Farnsworth’s derision, Hermes believes that the virus can be defeated with voodoo and enlists the help of Barbados Slim and LaBarbara. LaBarbara develops a voodoo potion that will trick the body’s cells into thinking it is infected with Explovid-23 and thus produce antibodies. The potion works and Farnsworth apologizes to Hermes, who asserts that “any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from science.”


Link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21813110
Substack: https://pooky.substack.com/
Brownstone Institute: https://brownstone.org/
UKColumn: https://www.ukcolumn.org/

"Smile, it helps some time =)"
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