The history is not yet closed and we are still writing it every second. It’s not time to tell the full story to our kids yet as it’s not closed and specially it’s not time to rest.
Let’s reconnect back!
What I think it’s now more important, it’s to reconnect back. In my last article after the reflection I wrote that “The question is now, how to link it together?”.
I was thinking about that, like what exactly to link together or link back, as I never went away since beginning but what I meant, is probably how to link back together the social relationships with others who went away into very dark place.
We are linking and reconnecting now via speed of light. The social networks are not censored anymore and even when people don’t follow us or read what we write, it does have the reach in society via talks, interactions, e-mails or text messages and it’s making significant shifts in thinking of people.Specially now, it’s really time to accept new friends, open registrations, join new meetings, send invitations and meet with older friends as well.For me personally it’s not over and won’t be till the history is set straight.
It’s already happening in world and as well here.

Let’s pretend for the moment, that those people who did Covid, supported Biden, Kamala, Woke, Gender, LGBT, Ukraine war and other simply believed the whole narrative and just followed rules and the altruistic reasons for better society.
They stated it many times and I did hear it from them very often. Now, if they still play the game, that we hold to our words and past actions, then I think it’s very beneficial to simply reconnect with those people and join the circle with simple talk.
The no-politics crowd
I did had discussions couple days back with few people and basically, when we already know what is behind it, it’s very easy to dismantle the façade quickly.The main point of the whole “liberal’” crowd is that they don’t discuss politics. Well, then the inflation and all other stuff can’t also be discussed as it’s politic. And specially, it’s good to point out, that the “no-politic” crowd is very strangely one political party - in 100% it’s the left-Biden-Kamala-democrats crowd.
So the correct observation in discussion is that the “no-politics” crowd is simply liberals blocking others to discuss the opposition party politics. Don’t be angry, they do it for good purpose but it’s good to point out, that they are not neutral. They are one political party in the spectrum.Second observation is, that the vaccinated people simply accepted the covid completely. You can talk to them about the vaccine, virus origin or the side effects and they even recognize the methods how they forced them to get vaccinated but they simply accepted their fate and probably, would accept it again - either voluntary (I still see people taking the covid shots or going with the covid narrative) or by force.
Reactions of the covid critics
It’s also interesting to observe reactions of others from the covid resistance times to this developments. For example, we can see that some of our “covid resistance” movement people aren’t very happy with the current pick for NIH. Which indicates something.
Probably their ambitions differ from the real resistance movement or they are probably more connected to the other side.

When we finally settled sides, who is who, I think now is important to really push strongly against those crazy maniacs and listen to opinions of really good persons, who stood on the correct side.I also think it’s coming time, where the history and specially who was on which side will be very interesting indicator for future.
For me still valid and reliable sources are:
National Citizens Inquiry

Robert F. Kenney - Children Health Defense


It’s specially interesting to get through the statements of the people, who got persecuted during covid as their statements are truly dangerous to someone and that was reason why someone decide to persecute them.C.J. Hopkins case or Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi Case are good examples of people who stood up during covid and got very actively persecuted as well as Archbishop Vigano.

Well, how did I said before, at this time is more and more clear, who was who and specially the people who faced punishment said something, which was very unpleasant to the establishment and they were forced to silence them or get rid of them completely.We can call it persecution as
marked in diagram below:

https://brownstone.org/articles/a-diagr ... ickedness/
What might be important now, is to calmly continue. I do still feel very much anger for those traitors and all who went during covid against us but to set history straight, we have to calmly and peacefully continue with discussions.
Now is the good time to reconnect and be active in public space. The persecution time has shifted and the question who stood where will get very interesting…