Published here: https://pooky.substack.com/p/regular-da ... der-sunday
Everyday after I wake up, I spend around 20 - 30 minutes thinking which day is it or where I am.
After I establish location, time and space orientation my brain starts function again and processing all the past events.
Routinely, I am going through the full scale of emotions from sadness, anger, disgust till the contempt where I spend some time and decide if I am going to commit suicide straight away or wait till second day to see what kind of horrors will come.
As I am curious guy, I usually try to absorb those feelings and wait for second day, if it will get really worse.
The day orders
To stay updated with our current overlords orders, I tune in for the Big Brother channels to see what is happening in the world. Someone is suggesting me to read the X trash opinions. That’s not the way, they should ban it as the right-wing radicals are spreading there their weird opinions. I always stay loyal to my favorite influencters.
Unexpectedly, this morning session of anger and hate was replaced with commercial for cash payments and physical coins. Might it mean something?
Who knows, I have to ask our leaders, if there has been some change in plans or why they allow this disobedient elements in the New World Order.
The walk
When I get updated on daily orders, I usually go for walk to absorb some calm feeling of nature and suppress the deep anger inside.
It helps and also I think about current situation. Strangely, yesterday I have read some strange post where someone claimed, that the whole pandemic wasn’t dangerous.
Is he out of his fricking mind? He it could not have been dangerous to vast majority? For sure it was. We all stayed home and obeyed orders what they tell us.Whatever was affecting humans in 2019-2020 was not dangerous to the vast majority. Perhaps it was bothersome, uncomfortable, or something similar but it was not dangerous.
My experience was nothing out of the ordinary for a mild respiratory infection (late January 2020). It was bothersome and uncomfortable but nothing extraordinary. I certainly was in no danger.
I suspect that others maybe had more discomfort but also there was no danger. There were probably others who had even less discomfort and were also in no danger. The danger was specific to a certain segment of the population and nothing unusual for that segment.
How he dare to even question our famous leaders who lead the pandemic response? Is he expert or something? No he isn’t and he is attacking the true hero’s who saved millions of lives with their “Stay home orders ” and “We all in this together ” guidance’s!
Why they even allow those kind of people to be seen on public? I mean, didn’t they wanted to create some camps for them in beginning? That would be good for them, they could be spreading the virus there and let us the good people living in peace.
If he claims, that it was nothing why they would quarantine us, lock us home, use military and then give us the vaccine? He is some kind psycho…the people those days. Crazyyyy.
I have to walk more today, as the messages when someone question the pandemic and the whole construct of Woke makes me feel unwell. What they are even saying?
That we are the evil side? That we are the corrupted monsters? Give me a break. We did everything right. It was Trump and Putin who did this and also the right-wing radicals.
How could they even suggest that? I mean, I muted almost everyone, told them that I don’t discuss politics, lough to their face, broke almost every moral rule and told or write them, that they are facists, bigots and cripples wasn’t that enough? Like wasn’t that expected and good approach? I am university educated and of course it was good.
Those poor stupid people deserve it. They were threating my rich status class and also mumbling something about injustice. Screw them, it was for common good and the laws were written by some old guys years ago. It was only good what we did.
I even hear, that our pandemic heroes are still there. They are invited to conferences and will held talks this Thursday. I should go there, they are the smartest one and we should all listen to them.
Democracy is the best. I knew that we little bit faked the 2020 elections and broke all the laws, lied to face of others and under oath, crippled them but hey, we are still fine.
Consequences are so old-school. It was fine to enjoy it and now they can deal with what we left here.
We are not responsible for anything, it was the “pandemic” emergency. There was everything allowed and for sure they will forget it soon.
Maybe we lied, cheat, stole something or did something wrong but it was for the good progress purpose. To criticize us now is very unethical. Specially, when we have so many problems with wars, inflation and health.
Why the people should be outraged? Like it was Putin and Trump. We defended democracy and also we fight against nazis! We are the good people and if someone suggest otherwise he is just backward idiot.
We are all in this together like one big family. Society needs to stay together, so let us enjoy all our stolen money, properties and positions and leave us alone. That’s the way and I hope those selfish people understand that as well.