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Merging humans and machines

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 3:49 pm
by alisonfletch
Progress. That is what you could call what has been happening ever since we were born. It has got quicker since the internet was born but we are not the first generation to live through an industrial revolution.

I even suspect that many of the same dynasties are still around. They are the rich and powerful who control banks, corporations and set up organisations such as the UN and The World Bank.

The global push into a digital world could explain the "pandemic", the "wars" and much else that grabs our attention.

It is all encompassing so concentrating on one little bit like health or education misses the larger picture. We are being transitioned into a world where nanotechnology and other technologies will be used to rule us.

One site that looks at the biodigital convergence is

To show how it is happening now, under our very eyes, see what is happening in Czechia. ... es-estonia