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Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2023 1:56 pm
by alisonfletch
Alison McDowell spends a lot of time researching what is going on in the world and she goes in depth in to what she thinks is REALLY going on. She uses templates and maps to record her findings as she joins the dots.

She often doesn't tolerate well those who ask questions that she thinks are missing the point. There are hours of videos on her site as she has been researching for years now and is getting into the nitty gritty. She thinks we need a broad amount of information and to re think things as we had incomplete information before.

She sees the future planned for us as being more ''Brave New World'' than ''1984''. She thinks that the resistance movement is seeing the authoritaniasm that is coming but actually that will only be for short amounts of time compared to us agreeing to play their game. (see 55 mins in to this video).

"Are we resisting or are we running into the middle of it?"