---------------------------- Pandemic conclusion 2023 ----------------------------

Brownstone Institute: https://brownstone.org/ - very interesting, most articles and topic to current situation

Conclusion sources:

Main alternative resources:

National Canada Citizens Inquiry https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/
UK Column: https://www.ukcolumn.org/live
Brownstone Institute: https://brownstone.org/ - USA
Corona Investigative Committee: https://corona-ausschuss.de - Germany
Geopolitics and Empire: https://guadalajarageopolitics.com
Children's Health Defense: https://childrenshealthdefense.org

Interesting links to follow:

Updated: 13.02.2024

8 Covid Lies

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Posts: 224
Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2021 4:15 pm

8 Covid Lies

Post by alisonfletch »

First, though, the lies. It’s abundantly clear now that pretty much everything that the public has been told and continues to be told is between untrue and downright lies.

'I offer as a shortlist that:

-PCR mass testing reasonably reliably distinguishes infected and infectious people from others;

-that masks reduce transmission of respiratory viruses;

-that transmission of infection in the absence of symptoms is an important contribution to epidemic spreading;

-that lockdowns as executed reduce hospitalisation and deaths;

-that no matter how small the remaining susceptible population and no matter that virtually no people who, if infected, might die remain unvaccinated, the position is perilous;

-that no pharmaceutical treatments are available;

-that variants are different enough to warrant border closures and require new vaccines;

-that the gene-based vaccines are safe and effective;

-that ‘vaccine passports’ will increase safety while having no material impacts on freedom of choice in a liberal democracy.

It is impossible to believe that intelligent, well-connected and well-briefed senior advisers to governments don’t know that almost all, if not all, of the above are simply not true.'

By Dr Mike Yeadon May 10, 2021
Be in no doubt, among the reasons that voices and opinions like mine are never heard in the main media is extreme censorship more suited to China than a liberal democracy.

https://stuartbramhall.wordpress.com/20 ... od-reason/

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